MissionField News Maize field near Kisii


Sacco: Sacco is an abbreviation for savings and credit co-operative society. Saccos are members-driven and provide loans to their members to help improve their various ventures. They also serve as savings avenues for their members. Saccos can also market products for their members.

Southern Nyanza: Southern Nyanza contains Nyamira, Kisii, Homabay and Migori counties. The region is known is known as an agricultural hub with counties like Kisii and Nyamira famed for their production of sugarcane, tea, coffee and bananas. Migori and Homabay are mainly known as fishing counties along lake Victoria.

Zero grazing: Zero grazing is a system where the cattle are usually kept in the farm and farmers bring the food and water to the animals. This has been encouraged due to reduced communal grazing land.

Image information

The image at the top of this page shows a maize field near Kisii, Kenya. Photographed by Asher Bonke, 2021-04-16.